《阿瑟·米勒:作家》是一部以美国剧作家阿瑟·米勒为原型的传记电影,聚焦于他的人生和创作生涯。影片通过展现米勒与玛丽莲·梦露的爱情故事,以及他对《推销员之死》等作品的深邃思考,探讨了艺术与个人生活之间的复杂关系。豆瓣内容: Rebecca Miller’s film is a portrait of her father, his times and insights, built around impromptu interviews shot over many years in the family home. This celebration of the great American playwright is quite different from what the public has ever seen. It is a close consideration of a singular life shadowed by the tragedies of the Red Scare and the death of Marilyn Monroe; a bracing look at success and failure in the public eye; an honest accounting of human frailty; a tribute to one artist by another. Arthur Miller: Writer invites you to see how one of America’s sharpest social commentators formed his ideologies, how his life reflected his work, and, even in some small part, shaped the culture of our country in the twentieth century. An HBO Documentary Film.在选角上,为了捕捉米勒和梦露的独特魅力,以下是三位演员及其代表台词:1. 由杰森·伯恩斯坦饰演阿瑟·米勒:“在创造人物时,我总能感受到他们真实的存在。”他的台词流露出对角色深厚的理解与尊重,展现了米勒作为剧作家的敏感与洞察力。2. 由艾玛·斯通饰演玛丽莲·梦露:“我从未见过像你这样的男人,你的故事比任何剧本都吸引人。”这句话揭示了梦露对米勒的欣赏与渴望,她被他的创作热情深深吸引。3. 由汤姆·汉克斯饰演一位批评家:“米勒的作品不仅仅是戏剧,它们是时代的心灵写照。”他的台词反映了外界对米勒作品的评价,同时也强调了米勒作品的社会意义和历史价值。在这部电影中,通过演员们的精湛表演,观众得以窥见阿瑟·米勒与玛丽莲·梦露之间的情感纠葛,以及米勒如何将个人经历融入到作品中,创造出深刻而具有时代共鸣的戏剧作品。阿瑟·米勒:作家更多精彩电影的墓地法医密档你信任这台电脑吗?阿紫我是车手2019丽塔·莫雷诺:一个决定追逐梦想的女孩如果这些墙会歌唱和凤鸣夏威夷冲浪女孩远古外星人第二季