《螺纹》是一部聚焦于家庭、信仰与传统价值观的影片,讲述了在现代世界中,一个原住民家庭如何在保留自身文化的同时,努力适应并融合进主流社会的故事。以下是三位演员及其代表台词:豆瓣内容: In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"... Milan Duomo workers subject the cathedral's exquisite statues to perpetual regeneration... Swiss musician/inventors Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer persistently refine their percussion instrument, the Hang... Native American community leaders Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty preserve the centuries-old spiritual resistance of their tribe... Filmmakers Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti pay tribute to humankind's aspirations for immortality by showing us a portrait of our efforts to overcome our own limits. They share their discoveries in a visual symphony to the power and harmony of nature's elements: water, earth, air and fire. From Milan to Wounded Knee, USA, from Bern to Shirahama, Japan, the traces of the filmmakers' travels spiral into a symbol of perfection and infinity: Spira Mirabilis.1. Brett Brings Plenty 饰演父亲,他的台词是:“我们不能忘记我们的根,这是我们力量的源泉。”这句话体现了角色对家族历史和文化的坚守。2. Coco Brings Plenty 饰演母亲,她说道:“爱是跨越一切的力量,无论我们身处何方。”这句话表达了角色对于爱的理解与信念,强调爱能够超越文化差异,连接人心。3. Joe Brings Plenty 饰演儿子,他的话是:“理解并尊重他人,是我们成长的一部分。”这句话展现了角色在面对不同文化时的开放态度和成长心态,强调了理解和包容的重要性。通过这些台词,我们可以感受到《螺纹》不仅探讨了个人成长的主题,还深入挖掘了文化传承与社会融合之间的复杂关系。螺纹更多精彩电影的墓地法医密档你信任这台电脑吗?阿紫我是车手2019丽塔·莫雷诺:一个决定追逐梦想的女孩如果这些墙会歌唱和凤鸣夏威夷冲浪女孩远古外星人第二季