《安妮的脸》是一部以泰国校园生活为背景的青春剧,讲述了四位女高中生与一位转校生之间的友情、成长和爱情故事。豆瓣内容: You wake up in a shabby hotel room with no idea how you got there. You can’t recall your name. You discover there seem to be other young women in other rooms in the same predicament, though one of them seems to know your name: Anne. After an unpleasant encounter with a rather large cockroach, you have a screaming fit. That’s when the nurses arrive to sedate you. And by the way, when night falls, you’ll need to escape from a killer demon with the bloodied head of a deer. Faces of Anne relies heavily on elements of the slasher film – and in many ways, that’s exactly what it is. But the film is also a puzzle, whose central question – Why is Anne here? – allows us to explore theories as to its solution until the very last moment. Are we inside a video game? An escape room? The mind of someone with multiple personalities? The elaborate and nihilistic fantasy of a deranged serial killer? It’s nothing new to remark that the best horror films are often those that reflect the fears of society; this film builds a clever – and viscerally terrifying – analogy of some of the difficulties faced by today’s young people. 源自:https://iffr.com/en/iffr/2023/films/faces-of-anne苏卡达·顾珑希饰演的主角安妮,是一个性格内向但内心充满梦想的女孩。她有一句台词:“我只希望,有一天我能站在舞台上,让所有人听见我的歌声。”茱蒂蒙·琼查容苏因饰演的莉莉,是班上的学霸,同时也是一位温柔的倾听者。她的台词是:“只要我们在一起,没有什么是解决不了的。”莎婉雅·派莎恩帕雅饰演的阿霞,是班上的开心果,总能用她的幽默化解尴尬。她的一句台词是:“笑一笑,十年少,哭一哭,白发早。”瓦伦托恩·帕奥尼尔饰演的阿瑞,是安妮的好友,他勇敢追求自己的梦想,他的台词是:“就算世界对我关上了门,我也要找到那扇窗,让阳光照进来。”瓦尔蕾特·瓦帖儿饰演的艾薇,是新来的转校生,她的台词是:“我带着过去的一切,但我想成为未来的自己。”雅拉查芃·普金帕可饰演的角色名字不详,但她是安妮的朋友,她的台词是:“无论发生什么,我们都是彼此最坚强的后盾。”这五位演员通过细腻的表演,展现了角色们独特的性格与成长轨迹,构成了这部温馨而动人的青春剧集。安妮的脸更多精彩神秘感染:第二阶段黑夜造访鬼追人准备好了没午夜废墟南海岛血书魔鬼公寓杀人手法午夜凶铃(美版)清醒2022