《飞行巨兽》是一部以揭示地球上那些已灭绝但曾翱翔于蓝天的史前巨鸟为主要内容的纪录片。影片通过细腻的动画和实地考察,带领观众穿越时空,近距离了解这些飞行巨兽的生活习性、生态地位以及它们如何在地球上留下自己的印记。豆瓣内容: For thousands of years, humans have believed that there were once flying monsters. But did they really exist beyond our nightmares? 220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters, David Attenborough the worlds leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane. Attenborough works with scientists to understand the incredible story of the evolution of the pterosaurs, a story that unfolds in such stunning locations as New Mexico, the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis in Britain, an ancient pterosaur landing site in Southern France and a fossil pit in Germany where near perfect pterosaur specimens have been found. The central question and one of the greatest mysteries in palaeontology is: how and why did pterosaurs fly? How did lizards the size of giraffes defy gravity and soar through prehistoric skies? Driven by the information he finds as he attempts to answer these questions, Attenborough starts to unravel one of sciences more enduring mysteries, discovering that the marvel of pterosaur flight has evolutionary echoes that resonate even today. Flying Monsters is a groundbreaking film that uses cutting-edge 3D technology and CGI to bring the story of giant flying monsters and their prehistoric world to life. Audiences of all ages will be in awe as they enter the world and experience, as never before, REAL Flying Monsters in HD.影片中的三位主演分别是David Attenborough、Douglas A. Lawson以及一位虚构的角色“史前生物学家”。David Attenborough,以他那富有磁性的声音,引领观众探索未知的世界:“在远古时代,这片天空属于它们——那些令人惊叹的飞行巨兽。”Douglas A. Lawson,以其专业知识,解释这些史前生物与现代鸟类之间的联系:“我们发现,尽管它们已经灭绝,但它们的飞行机制和生态角色对现代鸟类有着深远的影响。”而“史前生物学家”则用科学的语言,揭开这些飞行巨兽的神秘面纱:“通过对化石的分析,我们得以一窥这些史前巨兽的内心世界,理解它们为何能在地球上留下如此辉煌的篇章。”这部作品不仅展示了大自然的壮丽与神秘,也提醒着人们保护地球生态的重要性。通过这些演员的精彩演绎,观众仿佛亲身经历了地球历史上的重要时刻,对自然界的奥秘有了更深刻的理解与敬畏。飞行巨兽更多精彩电影的墓地法医密档你信任这台电脑吗?阿紫我是车手2019丽塔·莫雷诺:一个决定追逐梦想的女孩如果这些墙会歌唱和凤鸣夏威夷冲浪女孩远古外星人第二季