《白求恩:一个英雄的成长》是一部以加拿大著名医生白求恩为主角的传记电影。影片通过细腻的叙述和深刻的角色刻画,展现了白求恩从一个普通的医生成长为国际主义战士的过程。豆瓣内容: Canadian surgeon Dr. Norman Bethune (Donald Sutherland) journeys 1,500 miles into China to reach Mao Zedong's eighth route Army in the Wu Tai mountains where he will build hospitals, provide care, and train medics. Flashbacks narrate the earlier events of his life: a bout with tuberculosis at the Trudeau sanatorium; the self-administration of an experimental pneumothorax; the invention of operative instruments; his fascination with Socialism; a journey into medical Russia; and the founding of a mobile plasma-transfusion unit in war-torn Spain. Bethune twice married and twice divorced his wife Frances (Dame Helen Mirren), who chooses abortion over child-rearing in her unstable marriage. By 1939, Bethune had been dismissed from his Montreal Hospital for taking unconventional risks, and from his volunteer position in Spain for his chronic problems of drinking and womanizing. As his friend states: "China was all that was left." Even there, Bethune confidently ignores the advice of Chinese officials until heavy casualties make him realize his mistake and lead him to a spectacular apology.唐纳德·萨瑟兰饰演白求恩医生。在一次与友人的对话中,他说:“我只是一个医生,但在战争面前,我希望能做些事情,哪怕只是一点点。”海伦·米伦在片中扮演白求恩的妻子。她的一句台词是:“我知道你热爱自己的工作,但你总是把生命置于危险之中,我无法不担心。”科鲁姆·费奥瑞饰演一位与白求恩并肩作战的战友。他的话语充满激情:“在这片战场上,每个人都在战斗,而白求恩医生用他的医术为这场战斗带来了新的力量。”影片中的演员阵容还包括郭达,他在其中饰演了一位在中国的外国记者。他的话语中透露出对白求恩精神的敬仰:“他的勇气和奉献,不仅救了无数生命,也照亮了人类共同的希望之路。”白求恩:一个英雄的成长更多精彩群魔1988飞象计划自拘于家外出偷马画皮2由宇子的天平战国英豪中国城秘密花园1993自私的巨人