Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out focuses on Hana Uzaki, who meets her high school friend and senpai, Shinichi Sakurai. Having observed his actions for some time, Uzaki comes to the conclusion that her beloved senpai has started to act like a grumpy old man and that he hardly has any friends moxia.cc because of that. Hana, without giving it a thought, immediately decides to fix this unjust cruelty and to hang out with a lonely senpai of hers.宇崎酱想要玩耍更多精彩斗破苍穹 特别篇3西班牙制造地狱客栈第一季爆丸:战斗行星Anima Yell兄弟战争OVA:本命哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探险记H2O沙中足迹忍者神龟:变种大乱斗听爸爸的话!