In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defend the universe with their magical powers. They're smart, They're stylish and they are magical fairies, They are the Winx Club! The Winx Club must defend their universe from having it be turned into darkness and terror by the Senior Witches. The magic is in you on the Winx Club. Written by Stuart Brewer魔法俏佳人 第一季更多精彩斗破苍穹 特别篇3西班牙制造地狱客栈第一季爆丸:战斗行星Anima Yell兄弟战争OVA:本命哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探险记H2O沙中足迹忍者神龟:变种大乱斗听爸爸的话!